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Hello again! This is basically the page where I post all my artwork, be it digital or traditional! I also do have an account on Instagram. Here, tap this tiny icon (or link) down here and you’ll find it! Do make sure to follow this account!


I believe this might have been my first digital drawing ever! It’s Lady from Lady and the Tramp!
My first human drawing! (why does human drawing sound weird)
This is Candance from Phineas and Ferb!
Aaand this is Vanessa from Phineas and Ferb (daughter of Dr.Doof)
My first attempt at a DTIYS (Draw This In Your Style) I really really liked it!
Peach juice girl! Another DTIYS!
And another DTIYS the original artist is just so fab!
By far I think my best drawing that was based on an outfit I found on Pinterest!
This was a trend on Instagram for a strawberry dress, thought I’d try my hand at it :))
Ombre hair at its peak >3<
The outfit was an inspiration from something I’d found off Pinterest 🙂
Tried this one out on a different app on my laptop, I was really happy with the results!